TAP January 2025 Guidance Articles
Check out the latest guidance articles from CES+TAP.
Welcome to the CES Technical Assistance Program (TAP) Professional Development Library!
Click any object on the Library below to browse the complimentary Technical Assistance Program (TAP) “HOT Topics” of recorded professional development videos available 24/7 online. Check back each month for more “HOT Topics!” www.cestap.org
Contact TAP Coordinator Loretta Garcia for additional information, topic requests or to schedule a TAP Consultant to present a “HOT Topic” onsite, online at your school, district, or Regional Education Cooperative.
Call (505)-985-8454 or lgarcia@ces.org Enjoy your complimentary access to “HOT Topics” at www.cestap.org
Check out the latest guidance articles from CES+TAP.
Check out the latest guidance articles from CES+TAP.