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FAQs for Employers

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  3. FAQs for Employers

How can I get information about joining REAP?

Contact Paul M. Benoit, New Mexico REAP Coordinator, at 575.562.2922 or 575.760.9002, or by email,

How do I get started in the Human Resources section?

Go to

On the homepage, click on ‘Log in for School District Personnel’

Enter your username and password (Remember, each is case-sensitive), click ‘Sign In’

What can I do if I have forgotten or lost my school code and/or password?

Contact the REAP Help Desk at 1-314-692-1205 or 1-800-288-8115.

What can I do if I want to update a job listing but I don’t have the Job ID number?

First log on to the Human Resource section.

Select ‘Job Postings’ from the icons.

On the ‘Active Job Postings’ chart, select the ‘Job Type’ from the drop-down menu, or leave ‘All’ as the default. On the ‘Job Status” drop-down menu, select the current status of the job posting. You will get a list of all job postings meeting your search criteria. Scroll through to find the particular job you’re looking for.

How do I delete a job listing?

Log on to the Human Resource section.

Select ‘Job Postings’ from the icons.

If you know the job ID number enter it the box provide and click the update button next to it. This will bring up the job.

Verify that it is the correct job and then click on DEACTIVATE Job. It is now gone.

If you don’t know the ID number, follow the procedure in #5 above to find the job posting.

Once found, click on the ‘X’ under the ‘Actions’ column to deactivate the selected job posting.

When searching applicants, if I choose one applicant from the result list, then click ‘Back’ to look at another one, I end up on the Sign-In screen. What gives?

This is a matter of increasing the browser memory cache. If you don’t know how to do this, we suggest that you ask the Technical Support Division for your district.

When my district hires an applicant from the REAP system is there something I should do?

From the Human Resource menu choose “Post Hiring of Applicant”.

On screen provided enter the requested information. This places the applicant’s information on ‘Hold’ saving other districts from spending time contacting your new employee.