FAQs for Applicants
Is the information that I input in my REAP application secure?
We have spent a considerable amount of time and money to protect the privacy of the information you provide to us in your application.
As you navigate the REAP system you will encounter “Security information” boxes. The boxes are indicators of how information is being handled. Please respond to the security information boxes by clicking ‘Continue’ or ‘OK’. This allows you to send information to us in a secure form.
Another important thing to do is always use the SIGN-OUT or FINAL SUBMISSION when you leave your application. Do not just close you web-browser or leave your application unattended.
How do I get started with my application?
Go to the ‘Main Menu’ and choose ‘Start an Application’, read the terms and then click ‘I Agree’, then select the type of application you are interested in: Teachers, Instructional Support, Administrator or Support Services.
I forgot my username and/or password. What can I do?
Go to the NMREAP home page. Click on ‘Log In for Returning Applicants’, click on ‘Forgot Your Password’. Then enter your email address. Click on ‘Get Password’. You should receive an email containing your password. If not, follow directions to contact the REAP Help Desk.
E-mail admin@reapmail.net or call 314-692-1205 (Toll Free 1-800-288-8115) with the following information: REAP State, First and Last name and your street address.
Please remember that your username and password are case sensitive, so that means that you have to type in your username and password exactly as you entered it when signing up with REAP.
How long do I have to finish my application?
You have 90 days to complete your application or the information will be deleted.
If I want to give additional information about myself to prospective employers that the REAP application doesn’t cover what can I do?
You can enter this type of data in Section 8, Question 8
If I want to notify the school district of my interest, how is this done?
Check job postings of the school districts you are interested in.
Indicate your interest by responding to the job using the method chosen by the district. Either by ‘Contact E-mail’ or ‘Notify School.’
My application is finished. What do I do now?
Be sure to click ‘Final Submission’ to activate your application.
You can send out cover letters to the districts you are interested in letting them know your application is on the REAP system.
Search the job postings and e-mail your interest directly.
What is ‘Final Submission?’
When you have completed entering your information, ‘Final Submission’ makes your application available to school districts.
To do a Final Submission; click on ‘Final Submission’ from the left column menu bar. Verify your contact information and type in your signature and click ‘Submit’.
Remember each time you update your application you must do a ‘Final Submission’ to activate your application on the REAP website.
How do I get back into my application to update my information?
Click the bookmark you created for the home page or enter location www.nmreap.net
Go to the Main Menu and click on ‘Update My Application’, enter your username and password and click ‘Next’.
On the screen that comes up click ‘My Home’, then click on ‘My Application’. You can then click on the section you want to update and make the changes you require.
When finished click ‘Final Submission’ to activate your application again.
How can I put my application on Hold?
Go to the NMREAP home page at www.nmreap.net.
Go to the Main menu and choose ‘Update My Application’, enter your username and password and then click ‘Next’.
Click on ‘MyHome’. Click on ‘Sign Out’ (located on left column), then click on ‘Hold’.
How can I re-activate my application after I have placed it on Hold?
Go to the Main menu and choose ‘Update My Application’, enter your username and password and then click ‘Next’.
Click on ‘My Home’. Click on ‘Sign Out’ (located on left column), then click on ‘Activate’.
How do I delete my application if for any reason I no longer want to be considered for employment?
Go to the NMREAP home page at www.nmreap.net.
Go to the Main menu and choose ‘Update My Application’, enter your username and password and then click ‘Next’.
Click on ‘My Home’. Click on ‘Sign Out’ (located on left column)
In the middle of the following screen is a pink area with the following message: Please delete my application. I understand that I will have to start over to submit an application to the REAP system. Delete Application
Click on ‘Delete Application.’ Once you do, however, there is no turning back.
If you have never successfully gone through the Final Submission process your application will be deleted. Applications, which have been active, must be kept on ‘Hold’ for up to three years.
Do I use the Teacher or the Administrator application if I am seeking a position as a Guidance Counselor, School Psychologist, Librarian, etc.?
For these positions and others like them use the Teacher Application.
Do I use the Teacher or the Administrator application if I am seeking a position as a Guidance Counselor, School Psychologist, Librarian, etc.?
Where can I find Guidance Counselor, School Psychologist etc., when I am choosing a job preference?
I can’t find my teaching certificate/license in the teaching certificate list. What do I do?
Select ‘other certificate not on list’ and describe it in Section 8 additional qualification and comments.
Call the Help Desk and the REAP staff will investigate adding the certificate.
How can I copy my finished REAP Application information in one State to another REAP State or to USREAP?
Go to the Main Menu. Choose ‘Update My Application’. Enter your username and password. Click ‘Next’, Click on “My Home”.
Select ‘State Transfer’
Click the state you want to transfer, click ‘submit’
A message will appear on the next screen indicating, ‘Your transfer is now running. This may take a few minutes. To see if your transfer is complete, click below:’
See if Transfer is Finished
If your transfer was completed this message will appear ‘Your Transfer has finished successfully.’ It will provide you a link to see your application. Make sure you go through the new state to ‘Activate’ your application.