September 2024-25 Technical Assistance Program Updates and Offerings

The Technical Assistance Program (TAP) is back for the 2024-25 school year with a new look, new topics and additional complimentary resources for special / general educators, ancillary staff & administrators!
Attached are 9 registration flyers offering valuable topics to view virtually to get your school year started on track!
TAP provides 5 monthly guidance articles which can be found on the CES website at, under CES + TAP
  • Compliance Corner, Guidance on Special Education Compliance / IDEA by Cindy Soo Hoo
  • The Reading Room, Tips and Tricks to improve student reading through components of structured literacy by Chris Fox & Jessica Powell
  • Teacher Toolbox, Resources to meet the diverse needs of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and other challenges by Margaret Wood
  • From Chaos to Calm, Topics focusing on behavior & classroom management to make life enjoyable for both the teacher and student in the classroom by Rene Rohrer
  • Dear Ms. M: Gifted Questions Answered, Information on burning 🔥questions regarding Gifted Education, updates provided from NMPED by Kate Morris
TAP is now offering an additional incentive to viewing recorded webinars on the “HOT Topic On Demand TAP Library” open 24/7. “Certificates of Completion” will be available after viewing recordings posted this school year. If you miss a live virtual presentation or want to review information presented don’t fret, recordings will be posted in the Library. Direct library link, or CES website at under CES + TAP.
Keep on scrolling down to take a look at TAP September Flyer registration virtual presentation offerings. Presentations will start on Tuesday, September 10th. TAP’s dedicated Webinar Facilitator, Selina Vigil will be back to offer support,
As a reminder, please share the word regarding TAP services far and wide. TAP welcomes all viewers interested in quality professional development!
Wishing all a productive, smooth and successful 2024-25 school year!
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